Wafu Original Japanese Vinaigrette [Review]

I lived in Okinawa, Japan for three years - which meant a lot of authentic Japanese food. My favorite [after Coco's Curry] were the salads you could get at any restaurant because of the salad dressing. I've been searching high and low for a version of the salad dressing here in the States - with no luck. So imagine my surprise when Swaggable sent me a sample of Wafu Original Japanese Vinaigrette.

This taste just like the salad dressing that you would get in a Japan! I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this to everyone because it has an acquired taste. For the adventurous, it tastes great on a “plain” salad [lettuce and cucumbers] so that you can taste all of the sweet nuttiness. 

I am in love - and I've already ordered a full size bottle!!!


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